Taking The Reins - More Baby Steps in The Crusade Against Climate Change
Posted on 05 March 2023

~ More Baby Steps ~
When change needs to take place on all levels - individual as well as societal - it's fair to say that the word Crusade is in order. But, like our previous blog post points out, change begins within. And so, here are a few more baby steps towards that inner goal of being "the change that we wish to see in the world."
Take The Reins - Someone's got to steer your ship. If not you, then who? And if nobody is at the helm, then where are the currents taking you? As Lao Tzu said, "If you do not change direction, you might end up where you are heading."
Be Brave - Trust in the unknown. As John Burroughs said, "Leap and the net will appear." Of course, there is the need to have done one's research, and have contingency plans and support systems in place - but then there needs to be an element of Faith. Of Trust. Of Belief. In the words of Anatole France, “To accomplish great things, we must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.”
Believe in your Destiny - It's there for you to fulfill. If only you can discover it. It leaves clues, but they are not always obvious. As Seneca said, "The willing, Destiny guides them. The unwilling, Destiny drags them."
Have a Spiritual Connection - The connection is there. You just need to tap into it. Ask this connection for help, express your gratitude. Perhaps practice the Japanese art of Forest Bathing (Shinrin-yoku). Or conceptualize the world in the way of Black Elk, who said: "The Holy Land is everywhere."
Learn New Things - Gaining knowledge and skills is part of future-building, on your terms. Goethe takes it one step further - “Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.”
Ask What If - It doesn't hurt to ask, it flexes the Imagination Muscle, and it Questions Authority. In combination, these three aspects of asking "What If" can open doors, break through barriers, and pierce the veil of perception. In the words of Jean-Paul Sartre, “You might think that there’s some authority you could look to for answers, but all of the authorities you can think of are fake.”
So, What If we Questioned Authority, Imagined New Worlds, Learned New Things, Gained a deeper Spiritual Connection, Believed in our Individual Destinies, Became more Brave, and Took the Reins? Could we perhaps be well on our way towards creating a better world? Are these actionable steps we could take? Baby Steps to a Better World.